Valné zhromaždenie ASDO, Martin - 21.6.2023
Stretnutia / konferencie
PEARLE, 65th Conference in Oslo, - Norway - National Theatre , 11-12 May 2023
The 65th Pearle* Conference, hosted by the Norwegian Theatres and Orchestras Association, brought together representatives of the live performance sector from across Europe to discuss the most pressing issues professionals currently face.
17. 6. 2022 - Bratislava, Zasadnutie ASDO
PEARLE, 63rd Conference, Manchester - UK, 12. - 13. May 2022
Pearle* - Live Performance Europe held its bi-annual Conference and General Assembly meeting in Manchester, UK on 12 and 13 May. It was hosted by its member organisation ABO, the Association of British Orchestras and chaired by the President of Pearle*, Morten Gjelten.
At the beginning of the conference, Pearle* members held a minute of silence to remember the people of Ukraine and the numerous victims of this terrible war.
The conference opened with a session on Manchester as an international cultural hub moderated by Mark Pemberton (ABO) and included panellists Nick McDowell of the Arts Council, Jane Beese and Paul Clay of Manchester International Festival and David Butcher of the Hallé.
Delegates exchanged on various topics such as diversity in the live performance sector, securing access to radio spectrum for performances and stage lighting under the ecodesign rules. A special focus was placed on public policy engagement in times of crisis, drawing on lessons learned from the Covid pandemic. Members also discussed post-Brexit cultural exchange and touring activities between the UK and the EU. Pearle* president Morten Gjelten said:
"This conference demonstrated the strong ties between us Europeans and the strong power of culture. Regardless of political situations, people always manage to overcome differences and find what connects them."
Once more, sustainability in the live performance sector was high on the agenda. Julie's Bicycle[1] presented tools for measuring carbon footprints for different kinds of organisations and cultural activities. Members also set an agenda for actionable steps contributing to the EU Green Deal and its climate targets. The results of the working group will be presented during the next Pearle* conference to be held in Paris in November.
In a keynote address, Chris Elsden from the University of Edinburgh explored creative transactions in the performing arts in order to increase value for audiences, venues and artists.
During the conference, Pearle* members bid farewell to Julius Klein who represented the Association of Slovak Theatres and Orchestras.
ASDO, 18.2.2022, Bratislava SND, Zasadnutie a odborná konferencia

PEARLE, 62nd Conference, Luzern 29. - 30. September 2021
PRESS RELEASE, 1st October 2021, Ref: P7990
Pearle* - Live Performance Europe held its bi-annual Conference and General Assembly meeting on 29 and 30 September in Lucerne. It was hosted by its Swiss member and chaired by the President of Pearle*, Morten Gjelten.
With the participation of speakers from WIPO and ILO, two of the international bodies based in Geneva, Pearle* reassured its relations at the international level on copyright affairs and labour issues.
Delegates also exchanged on developments within the sector related to employment, gender equality and diversity, skills, and mobility: topics which are particularly relevant in the aftermath of the Corona crisis and in relation to new trade relations between EU and UK.
An important focus of the conference was sustainability in the live performance through circular economy, energy efficiency of buildings, mobility and ecological strategies for live performance organisations. Focus of the debate was the creation of sustainable productions and how to practically work together, exchanging on different strategies and involving all member organisations throughout Europe.
President of Pearle*, Morten Gjelten stated:
"Let's continue our efforts to bring sustainability in all aspects of work when creating a live performance. We need in-depth exchange about the circular economy within the sector and sound support from our respective governments to go forward and making progress in this important topic."
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Pearle* as the 'Performing Arts European League', the conference programme was also an opportunity to look into future. Triggered by societal changes following from the pandemic, a panel of distinguished speakers moderated by Georg T. Roos, a renowned futurologist based in Lucerne, explored the question how live performances will look like in thirty years' time and how they will contribute to society.
During the conference which celebrated the 30th anniversary, members were put in the picture whilst presenting the achievements and activities undertaken by their respective organisations. Pearle* also bid farewell to former president Géza Kovács, who represented since 1996 the Association of Hungarian Orchestras.
Note to editors:
Pearle*- Live Performance Europe is a European federation representing through its members more than 10,000 theatres, theatre production companies, orchestras and music ensembles, opera houses, ballet and dance companies, festivals, concert halls, venues and technical suppliers and sole traders within the performing arts and music sector across Europe. The aim of this non-profit making organisation is the establishing of a stable environment by supporting sustainability and promotion of the Live Performance across Europe.
Stretnutia ASDO: dec. 2020 + 2021
PEARLE + European Orchestra Forum, 2019 - 2021
PEARLE konferencia, Košice 29.- 30. 11. 2013, prijatie ASDO do PEARLE
Február 2006, Budapešť - Seminár "Strengthening social dialogue and reinforcing capacities of national social partner organizations in the new member states in the performing arts sector"